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Help! What Are the Best Ways to Keep Employees Motivated And Engaged?

Seven Ways To Keep Your Employees Engaged And Motivated At Work

These will each help to create an environment where people feel valued, respected, and ultimately that their contributions matter.

1)    Give feedback (and welcome it back)

feedback in the workplace

Connection with your employees – it’s right up there.

Employees who receive regular attention and feedback on their performance are far more likely to become more engaged, committed and loyal.

And it’s not just the positive comments they’ll appreciate (although obviously, this is always nice) somewhat surprisingly, constructive criticism is also helpful.

Just like in a game of cricket, 🏏 it’s all in the delivery.

By displaying an opinion and genuine interest in how your employees are performing, you show them you care enough - that they are a valued member of the team and that you’re driving them on to succeed.  

Buckle up though because this has to be a two-way street.

Keeping communication channels open is crucial to allow employees to provide their own feedback and opinions.

You’ll get a valuable handle on how your wider team are responding to business decisions and feeling about their company culture.

Finally, the best way to supercharge employee engagement is to ensure you’re not just listening to, but also acting on suggestions and implementing changes (when they’re genuinely viable).

2)    Encourage teamwork

Now more than ever, we need to be doing everything possible to encourage teamwork and collaboration in the workplace.

And not just siloed teamwork, but cross-functional teamwork too.

This is especially important given the recent shift into the widely adopted hybrid/remote working patterns and environments.

We all need energy to spur us on, and this is definitely more forthcoming when working in a team environment, compared to working on your own.

(No matter how many coffees you can cram in each day.)

Whilst we get energized from teamwork, this has a positive impact on wider morale.

An effective and ambitious team enjoys the foundations of open communication channels (like point 1 above), shared goals and vision and clearly defined roles (see point 3 below).

Strong teams start with strong individuals.

Effective team collaboration leads to higher levels of employee engagement, and in turn provides positive business outcomes like 21% higher productivity and 41% lower absenteeism.

3)    Provide clear goals

goal setting dr evil

Clear goals are a proven motivator for employees, so ensure you’re providing them with clear and understandable direction.

Whether that’s because you want to increase customer satisfaction or you need your employee to close their sales, provide them with specific information about what you want them to do, so they can better meet your expectations.

Role clarity is one of the biggest drivers of employee engagement – not to mention helping to elevate productivity and profitability.  

We all need a bit of direction in life - it’s a lot easier to be interested in something and striving to succeed if you have a clear idea of what is expected of you.

Revisit and adapt as necessary.

4) Don’t forget your thankyou’s

Remember the two R’s: recognition and rewards. You don’t need an outrageously expensive formal recognition programme to tick this box - a simple thank you can work wonders.

Way more authentic.  

Everyone wants to feel appreciated, yet a recent study in the US found that 42% of employees believe their accomplishments go unnoticed.

One of the best ways to keep employees engaged is to make sure that they know their efforts are being recognised.

Long term, the obvious way to do this is via job promotion or an increase in the scope of their work (more responsibility, deeper trust.)

But day to day - it could be as simple as a shout-out to recognise work on a recent project or to take your team out to lunch to celebrate their efforts.

Small gestures go a long way.

5) Reduce office politics


This one might be impossible to eliminate.

It’s a fact of life - office politics exist in every workplace.

And the last thing you want is for employees to be distracted and stressed by negative situations, it’s a surefire way to ruin employee engagement.

But managers and leaders can help to keep office politics in check by providing employees with an environment that fosters productivity.

office politics and office drama funny

Remember: The happier your employees are, the more motivated they’ll be—with less time for gossiping and idle complaints.

Keep communication and intentions as clear as possible to ensure there isn’t excess room for interpretation/incorrect assumptions.

Crossed wires are usually the root of all office conflicts.

6) Encourage professional development

You want your employees to feel that their future lies with your company, instead of someone else’s.

One of the best ways to do that is to keep them engaged long term.

By having a clear idea of what each individual’s long-term goals and aspirations are, you can invest in relevant mentoring, training and professional growth opportunities where possible.

Not only will the company benefit long-term from enhanced skills and capabilities, but your employee will value the long-term sense of certainty, and sense of belonging.

7) Be flexible where possible

Just like employees have different personalities, and different strengths - there’s a good chance they have different work styles too.

Technology has moved the workplace on leaps and bounds in the last few years, and it also changes the way your employees can perform their work.  

Offering more flexibility to employees can help them improve their work-life balance, reduce commute time and fit their work around other important aspects of their life such as parenting or caregiving.

Having clear guidelines on what is and isn’t expected is vital, as well as the ability to adapt when necessary.

Workplace flexibility has the added bonus of being a fantastic tool for employee retention and attraction.

So There We Have It -  Seven Steps To Success.

There are lots of ways to keep employees engaged and motivated, but these seven strategies will help get you started and on track for keeping your workers more connected, involved, and energized.